The Playlist

Last updated 2015-05-12 11:53:41 SGT

处暑: Homesickness? What homesickness? I don't know what you're talking about.

白露: Talking to people is so easy when you barely know them.

秋分: Sing 水调歌头 once, and everyone assumes that you're up to the gills in Chinese cultural sensibilities.

寒露: Birthday season!

霜降: Starting to get a little chilly now

立冬: I could get used to this.

小雪: Yale-Harvard and aftermath: hello old friends! I wish I could have stayed for longer.

大雪: Exams don't change much wherever you are

冬至: Yelp your way through Europe! Grow fat in Barcelona and Paris!

小寒: I am reminded of People people, bygone days, dramatic cliches, and things to come.

大寒: From the top of Harkness tower everything looks so small.

立春: Every time I try to work on my History paper I end up drooling at lists of Singaporean food.

雨水: The morning line of people trudging up Hillhouse reminds me of a documentary about penguins I've seen somewhere.

惊蛰: Snowmen and sandcastles: we're forever building transient things out of powdery substances.

春分: Sadness and fear do not preclude joy.

清明: “Dear future self: do not you let Tosca, or any other female, make you forget God.”

谷雨: This is the most nonstandard reading week I've ever had.

立夏: I've sung 水调歌头 to comfort myself perhaps one too many times. I shall not do so now — but there is always the moon.

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